Info – 28. april
Dear archers and friends of historical and traditional archery.
Four months before the start of our event, Mor Ho! Tournament of nations, we are working very hard on its preparations. As we move rapidly forward, more and more people, partners, sponsors and institutions are joining our cause, willing to help us and support our event.
Although we decided to public only conformed news, today we are bringing You some pieces from behind the scene.
Beside the medieval feast, which will be held on 2nd of September (Saturday), which will already include some small cultural program, the Cultural center of Hlohovec decided to enhance our event with more collateral cultural events on 31th of August (Thursday) and 1st of September (Friday).
We plan to access for You the oldest theatre building in Slovakia which is still fulfilling its function.
Outside of the theatre You can also find on pictures from the place of our tournament. (It was built on the behalf of visit of his majesty emperor František the second in Hlohovec in 1802 and his performance did here also Ludwig van Beethoven himself. This building is located very close to the finish line of our dynamic archery discipline – Path of the archer.)
We are very happy that You – the participants of the tournament, are joining the shaping of its content and form and very gladly including Your suggestions and ideas.
That is why we, with great pleasure announce, that after agreement with the environmental office of Hlohovec city, the historical camp for participants, as a part of our tournament. This camp, which will be adjacent to the tournament site, provided with all social facilities will serve as an option, a place for building their own temporary historical quarters to all participants. In connection to the location of this camp, applying for its perimeter, environment saving precautions will be published to protect our beautiful Castle garden. (restriction of fireplaces etc.) To hold the historical look of our event, only quarters of models until year 1899 will be allowed in the camp.
More news will come shortly 😊
Please don’t forget to register to the tournament on our website and in the contact form of our website mark that You plan to come with your own tents, so we would be able to prepare what’s necessary.
The contact form, of course, You can use for any further questions, suggestions and ideas.
Link to pictures of the tournament site