About us

Our group started to write its history in the summer of 2015. The idea of its birth came from noticed enthusiasm during historical events in Hlohovec by connecting experienced archers with some fans of living history. Rich history of our castle and our town opened to us wide spectrum of posibilites in focusing and orientation to specific historical era. The original intention of 14th and 15th century A.D. was replaced by the period of Great Moravian Empire (9th century A.D.). It was exactly this period, which was one of the most important for our Castle.
As written in the oldest manuscripts – the Fuld Chronicles, first Castle was built on its present location by the Bavarians in 870 – 880 A.D. Soon, in year 884, was this castle sieged and conquered by Great Moravian King Svätopluk and from this year, the castle became the border guarding castle of the Nitra Princedom (part of the Great Moravia. About the castle and town which was born only thanks to the castle you can learn more in the next sections of our page).
Selection of this period was also supported by the fact, that in Slovakia, nor abroad, in time of our foundation, we have no information about any other pure archery group focused exclusively on this part of our history. So, with cooperation and support of our Homeland Museum in Hlohovec, town government and other organizations connected to our Castle was found the Historical archery group Aquilas from Hlohovec Castle. Aquilas is a Latin word and mean Eagles.
Exactly those ferocious and royal birds are due to their sharp and strong claws, perfect sight, dignity and lightning speed the symbol and example for historical archers.
The group insignias are marked by our self-searching and self-definition, and were preserved even after the change of our focus as invariable symbols.
The goals and dedication of our group, from its birth, are preparation and training primarily traditional and historical archers, representation of our group, town of Hlohovec and Slovakia by its members on sport, cultural and social events in Slovakia and abroad, propagation of historical and traditional archery on public, support of sport and cultural activities and events in Slovakia and abroad, support of cultural and sport development of Hlohovec, Slovak republic and its citizens, sport and cultural cooperation with organizations and institutions within Hlohovec and Slovakia, sport and cultural cooperation with organizations and individuals abroad, support of the Hlohovec Castle, spreading the knowledge about the cultural heritage of the Slovak nation focused on its history, development of physical and mental aptitude of the Slovak and other citizens.
To fulfill these goals, our group organize sport, cultural and educational events in Slovakia and abroad, participates on such events in Slovakia and abroad, cooperates mainly with sport and cultural institutions and organizations of Hlohovec, Slovak republic, but also with foreign ones, organizes and participates on organization of public sport and cultural events in Slovakia and abroad, organizes and participates on organization of educational events, collect its own financial resources for its own development and activities, development of Hlohovec Castle and Town, all acquired finances use for maintenance of the group and expenses connected with it, support of the Hlohovec Castle, Town of Hlohovec, traditional and historical archery in Slovakia and abroad.
(Group´s rules §2 and §3)
The group is always open to new members. To old and young, which have true interest in historical, traditional but also sport archery. To people, who are ready and willing to participate on activities of the group, train, work hard on them self, strengthen their mental and physical endurance, rise their abilities and skills, invest not only time and energy, so that they could on many different, big and small tournaments and festivals in Slovakia and abroad represent this group. To famously spread by the individual and team successes its name.